Policies & Rights 

CQC Registration

Care Quality Commission Registration status for our surgery:

The Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. Their job is to make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of quality and safety. They also protect the interests of vulnerable people, including those whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act. They put the views, experiences, health and wellbeing of people who use services at the centre of their work, and they have a range of powers that they can use to take action if people are getting poor care.

Summary Care Records (SCR) – NHS Care Record Guarantee

The aim of the NHS in England is to provide you with the highest quality of healthcare. The NHS also aims to gain evidence that will improve health and care through research. To do this, they must keep records about you, your health and the care the NHS has provided to you or plan to provide to you. NHS care records may be electronic, on paper or a mixture of both, and organisations use a combination of working practices and technology to keep to this guarantee.

You have the right to privacy and confidentiality and to expect the NHS to keep confidential information safe and secure. This guarantee is their commitment that NHS organisations and those providing care on behalf of the NHS will use records about you in ways that respect your rights and promote your health and wellbeing.

The Summary Care Record sharing scheme is separate to the new NHS data-sharing scheme.

The NHS in England has introduced the Summary Care Records, which will be used in emergency care.

The record contains information about any medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had to ensure those caring for you have enough information to treat you safely.

Your Summary Care Record is available to authorised healthcare staff providing your care anywhere in England, but they will ask your permission before they look at it. This means that if you have an accident or become ill, the healthcare staff treating you will have immediate access to important information about your health.

Your GP practice is supporting Summary Care Records and as a patient you have a choice:

  • Yes, I would like a Summary Care Record – you do not need to do anything and a Summary Care Record will be created for you.
  • No, I do not want a Summary Care Record – please complete the Summary Care Record Opt Out form.

For more information talk to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0845 602 4384, our GP practice staff, visit the website www.lincolnshire.nhs.uk or www.nhscarerecords.nhs.uk or telephone the dedicated NHS Summary Care Record Information Line on 0300 123 3020. Alternatively, read the NHS Summary Care Record – Your Emergency Care Summary leaflet.

Additional copies of the opt out form can be collected from your GP practice or requested from the dedicated NHS Summary Care Record Information Line on 0300 123 3020.

You can choose not to have a Summary Care Record and you can change your mind at any time by informing your GP practice.
If you do nothing it will be assumed that you are happy with these changes and a Summary Care Record will be created for you. Children under 16 will automatically have a Summary Care Record created for them unless their parent or guardian chooses to opt them out. If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16 and feel that they are old enough to understand, then you should make this information available to them.

Equality & Diversity Statement

The Bourne Galletly Practice believes fairness, equity and above all values diversity in all dealings, both as provider of health services and employers of the people.

The Bourne Galletly Practice is committed to eliminating discrimination on the basis of gender, age, disability, race, religion, sexuality or social class. We aim to provide accessible services, delivered in a way that respects the needs of each individual and does not exclude anyone. By demonstrating these beliefs the Practice ensures that it develops a healthcare workforce that is diverse, non-discriminatory and appropriate to deliver modern healthcare.

The Bourne Galletly Practice intends to embed its equality and diversity values into every day practice, policies and procedures so that equality and diversity becomes the norm for all.

Equality is not about treating everyone the same, it is about ensuring that access to opportunities are available to all by taking account of people’s differing needs and capabilities.

Diversity is about recognising and valuing differences through inclusion, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial origin, religion, belief, sexual orientation, commitments outside work, part-time or shift work, language, union activity, HIV status, perspectives, opinions and person values etc. The Bourne Galletly Practice supports working towards developing a workforce that is representative of the community it serves.

The point of contact for the Practice for all enquiries relating to Equality and Diversity is Mr Ian Robinson, Business Partner.

GP Earnings Statement

“All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GPs working in Bourne Galletly Medical Practice in the last financial year was £61,215 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 3 full time GPs, 7 part time GPs and 1 locum GP who worked in the practice for more than six months.

However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.”

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2016

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2017

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2018

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2019

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2020

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2021

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2022

⇓ Publication of GP Earnings Statement 2023

Privacy Policy

If you wish to view our Privacy Policy, please click here.


Opening Hours (Mon-Fri):


Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 6.00pm &
6.30pm - 8.00pm  (pre booked appointments only)
Saturday: 9.00 - 12noon (pre booked appointments only)

Reception: 8.15am - 6.00pm

Telephone lines:

8.00am - 6.30pm


8.30am - 6.00pm

Phlebotomy (Blood Tests):

8.40am - 11.40am (transport of specimens to the lab limits the service times)

The Address:

40 North Road, Bourne, PE10 9BT

Galletly Practice

40 North Road,
Bourne, PE10 9BT