Galletly Practice Patient’s Group (GPPG)
Patient Participation Group
The Galletly Practice Patient’s Group is run by volunteers, with the aim of providing additional support for the Practice and for Patients on the practice register, who might be housebound, lack social contact or who just need a ‘friend’.
The aims of the Group are:
- To improve communication between the practice and the patients.
- To exchange information and ideas.
- To discuss recent or future developments which involve the practice and its patients.
- To consider patients concerns, comments or suggestions about the quality of the service provided and what improvements can be made.
All patients of the practice are eligible to join the Patient Participation Group so, if you are enthusiastic about the surgery and have a few hours to spare each quarter please think about becoming a member of our PPG.
The PPG also has a notice board at the surgery with contact details and information about meetings and events.
If you wish to become a member, contact our PPG by speaking to a member of reception or email
For more information about what we do, please visit
Opening Hours (Mon-Fri):
Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 6.00pm &
6.30pm - 8.00pm (pre booked appointments only)
Saturday: 9.00 - 12noon (pre booked appointments only)
Reception: 8.15am - 6.00pm
Telephone lines:
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.30am - 6.00pm
Phlebotomy (Blood Tests):
8.40am - 11.40am (transport of specimens to the lab limits the service times)